Earth, Energy & Environment

Earth, Energy & Environment

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Socioeconomic impact of drought and desertification on rural livelihoods in the area between Omdurman and west White Nile State, Sudan

Volume: 62  ,  Issue: 1 , October    Published Date: 26 October 2020
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 931  ,  Download: 692 , Pages: 181 - 191    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1006211020201471


# Author Name
1 Hamza Abdelrefea Magboul Mohamed
2 Ali Abdel Aziz Salih
3 Yahya Hassan Eltayeb


The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of desertification on rural livelihoods of communities in the area between Omdurman and west White Nile State (Kosti and Elduiem areas). This area was selected to capture three climate change vulnerable ecological zones, namely the desert, semi-desert, and low rainfall savannah area. Primary data were collected by a structured questionnaire by 309 respondents from 12 villages in eight localities selected by a multi-stage stratified random sampling method to obtain the socio-economic parameters. The socio-economic analysis results depicted the prevalence of poverty among 60 % of the study population, relatively considerable dependence on traditional rain-fed agriculture among 55%, and similar dependence on one crop grown by 58%. Only a few, (29%) of the population depended on irrigated agriculture, which reflects the vulnerability of the rural livelihood in the area. However, to expand their crop production, about 49 percent of the vulnerable households? adapted their cultural practices applying modern inputs using chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and about 27% expanded on land cultivation. About 20.5 % changed their crop varieties and about 54.2% cultivated vegetable crops to earn higher returns. The study recommended the involvement of the government in establishing a rural community association supporting them in combating desertification provision of alternative sources of energy, improve water harvesting systems, conserve, and establish shelterbelts.


  • socio-economic
  • household
  • land degradation
  • Rangeland