Social Sciences & Psychology

Social Sciences & Psychology

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Unity in Diversity: The Assimilation of Culture to Filipino Students in Qatar

Volume: 62  ,  Issue: 1 , October    Published Date: 12 October 2020
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1256  ,  Download: 1221 , Pages: 19 - 36    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1006211020201455


# Author Name
1 Julius M. Edrosolam
2 John Carlos C. Burog
3 Kert Lewis Del Rosario
4 Jan Ahmed F. Ferry
5 Anton Celdon M. Rendon
6 Leila Julia C. Cortez
7 Fatma Jayna S. Dy
8 Ysabelle Milyn R. Mendoza


Background: The continuous progression of the world has inflicted a multitude of impacts on every nation. Due to the advancement of technology in a globalized world, Exposure to different cultures to various means has become prevalent, especially in a learning environment. Ever since Filipino students mixed in with other ethnicities, cultural diversity began to aggravate as international students provided a bank of cultural knowledge to Filipino students. Methods: This research employs a phenomenological approach to the idea of cultural assimilation to determine whether or not Filipinos retain their cultural identity and identify the extent of it. The researchers interviewed Filipino students that have been in contact with other foreign nationalities for an ample amount of time. Findings: The cultural presence of Filipinos are susceptible to changes, especially if adaptation in an unfamiliar environment becomes a necessity in livelihood and lifestyle. Conclusions: Filipino students in the school adapted to a multicultural environment due to the necessity of the circumstance that they have provided with to ensure an undisrupted flow in their learning process. Recommendations: The data and results found in this study could deliver more concrete answers if it utilized a more significant population to analyze the behavior in a more detailed and intricate way from which a more explicit cultural paradigm can form.


  • Phenomenology
  • Cultural Identity
  • Multicultural
  • Assimilation
  • Filipinos