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An Evaluation of EIGRP and OSPF Routing Protocols using OPNET Simulator

Volume: 56  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 22 July 2020
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 907  ,  Download: 1033 , Pages: 113 - 121    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100561720201312


# Author Name
1 Ibrahim Mahdi Ibrahim


Routing protocols are the key for communication network. OSPF and EIGRP are dynamic routing protocols used in a network to propagate topology information to neighbouring routers. There are a large number of dynamic and static routing protocols to be configured on a network but making the right choice of the protocol still remains an issue. This paper plans to evaluate the network performance of EIGRP and OSPF routing protocols. In order to achieve accurate results, two network scenarios are designed and configured respectively with EIGRP and OSPF and are simulated to observe how the performance varies between the two protocols. This is measured based on four parameters: FTP, Web browsing (HTTP), E-mail and Database. The results derived from these experiments aims to provide better understanding on Interior gateway protocols and general knowledge on how or which routing protocol should be configured on a given network.


  • Open Shortest Path First (OSPF); Enhanced Interior Gateway Protocol (EIGRP); Discrete Event Simulation (DES); Routing Protocols; Network Performance.