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Sodium arsenite induced hepatotoxicity and the ameliorative effects of combined extracts of Allium sativum and Gongronema latifolium in rats

Volume: 56  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 18 July 2020
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 838  ,  Download: 741 , Pages: 79 - 97    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100561720201310


# Author Name
1 Usoh, I. F.
2 Akpan, H. D.
3 Akwa, Nsikan. Etukudo
4 Ekaidem, I. S.
5 Umoh, E. U.


Abstract This study evaluates the ameliorative combined effects of combined extract of Allium sativum and Gongronema latifolium in sodium arsenite induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Fifty male rats were obtained and used, sustained with commercial rat feed and water. The rats were grouped into ten groups of five rats each. Group1 rats were the normal control, Groups 2, 3 and 4 were treated for different durations with 10mg/kg bw of sodium arsenite, Groups 5 and 6 rats were treated with 200mg/kg bw of Gongronema latifolium and Allium sativum, and 10mg/kg bw of sodium arsenite, respectively. Groups 7 and 8 were treated with 200mg/kg bw of Gongronema latifolium and Allium sativum, respectively. Group 10 rats were treated with 100mg/kg bw each of Gongronema latifolium and Allium sativum. The extracts and sodium arsenite were administered orally and intraperitoneally respectively. After seven days of treatments, the rats were sacrificed and blood sample was collected for liver function indices, and also the liver for histological analysis. The results indicated that the liver of the rats treated with different durations of the toxicant suffered different degrees of damage while the single extracts and toxicant treated groups indicated minimal hepatotoxicity when compared to the groups treated with sodium arsenite alone and the normal group. The combined extracts treated groups effectively ameliorated the sodium arsenite induced hepatotoxicity as judged.


  • rats
  • sodium arsenite
  • hepatotoxicity
  • Gongronema latifolium
  • Allium sativum