Computer Science & Electrical
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Asim Abubabakr Elmansour |
Physico-chemical characteristics of groundwater are measured in situ in water samples from
existing wells and water samples were collected for subsequent chemical analysis. Generally the
water in En Nuhud Basin is characterized by low mineralization with respect to the WHO and
Sudanese regulation limits for drinking water; anomalous values were observed at Abu Dagal in
the western part which interpreted as related to high clay content within the saturated zones.
The concentrations of the different chemical constituents usually decrease inwards in a manner
indicates recharge potentials from the boundaries and from surface drainage within the basin
area. The dominant types of water quality in the study area are: [Ca (Mg) Hco3], [Ca (Mg) Cl(No3,
So4)] and [Na HCO3] type. In view of the quality tolerances for industrial process, some water
samples not suit many of these processes; due to relatively high alkalinity, EC and acidity (low
PH). On the other hand groundwater of En Nuhud Basin is quite satisfactory for irrigation use;
limit exceptional case concerns Gabreddar- Abu Dagal Area; where high to very high salinity