Computer Science & Electrical
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Dr. Madhu Gupta |
2 | Dr. Anju Singh |
Higher Education need values Education because there is drastic change in social and
political scenario. Value education is defined in literature differently from eternal ideas to
behavioral procedures. Higher Education in the present era is an challenge for
economic consideration and social development. Cut throat competition to achieve high
level success has made man a mechanical instrument. Results of such rat race in the
field of education and economic life can be seen in terms of in security, stressful life,
lack of fellow feeling, lack of respect for human values etc.
Today in global society where the ancient values are poorly seen in human community
and there is a challenge for reformation. People across the globe are looking towards
the value education with high power human values among the higher studies so that the
world remains as a place of peace, security and prosperity.