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Lagophthalmia Post Zona: Autoskin Graft Skin for Surgical Treatment

Volume: 13  ,  Issue: 1 , September    Published Date: 07 October 2018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1371  ,  Download: 647


# Author Name
1 Duong Dieu


Lagophthalmia can be caused by Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus as a complication. The upper eyelid of eye had an adherent contracted scar that caused the upper eyelid to shorten and thus expose all of the cornea and part of the ocular conjunctiva. With lagopthalmia there are both aesthetic and functional problems. This paper introduces simple surgical techniques that can be performed under local anaesthesia without the need for expensive technical equipment. Surgical techniques as follow:
1.    Two parallel incisions were made: above the eyelid and another 2 mm above this. The two edges of the incision were dissected to create a flap that could be grafted from the lower eyelid to correct the lagophthalmia.
2.    A crescent-shaped skin flap 70 x 20 mm was created from the lower eyelid (a parallel marginal 2 mm incision was made at the lower eyelid with another lower incision). 
3.    The head of the flap was at the medial canthus and the pedicle at the lateral canthus. The pedicle was too big to nourish the flap. 
4.    The donor area of the lower eyelid was then closed with simple sutures to avoid eversion of the lower eyelid. (Figure attach). 
5.    Lastly, the crescent-shaped flap from the lower eyelid was rotated clockwise to the upper eyelid. 
6.    The head of this flap was sutured to the medial canthus, the upper flap to the upper incision of the upper lid, and the lower flap to the lower incision. The pedicle of the flap was the lateral canthus.
One week following the graft, the pedicle was severed.


  • Lagophthalmia
  • Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
  • aesthetic and functional problems
  • surgical technics.