- Speciality
A strong background in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering.
- Education
Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Masters degree.
Electrical Engineering, Bachelor’s degree
- Experience In
A member of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).solid experience in designing, testing, and analyzing electric and automation systems; water conveyance systems and management are what I am impounding for. and here are some pending and published articles
- An article “Flow Instability Transferability Characteristics within a Reversible Pump Turbine (RPT)under Large Guide Vane Opening (GVO)” under review
- An article "A Numerical Investigation on PAT hydrodynamic response to runner rotational speed variation" under review
- An article in International journal of scientific and Research Publication DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.10.07. 2020.p10313 and URL: “http://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0720.php?rp=P10310230” online
- An article that is under review “Deterministic for rainwater harvesting storage capabilities with the design curve technique, a strategy for attaining copiousness of water”.
- An article and journal “certification: The application of Rainwater harvesting technology a water resource management method, for pertinently attaining an eminence of water and ecological conservancy, https://www.irjet.net/archives/V8/i2/IRJET-V8I2114.pdf” online.
- International Industrial Chemistry conference, 2021, “Industrial Chemistry towards Sustainable Future: Growing together”, Department of chemistry, NED University of Engineering & Technology; “Certified”
- Eight Innovations,2020, “web-based training Rwanda Photovoltaic skills”, LUCAS-NULLE, under the support of the Germany Federal Ministry for economic affairs and energy; “Certified”
- Two-Day International Training-Workshop;2020, on “Scientific Paper and patent Writing”, Islamic World Educational, scientific and cultural organization ICESCO; Kingdom of Morocco, Rabat. “Certified”
- Innovation and technology forums, 2021, “Community shaper &Innovations for the future”, China Hong Kong culture exchange association, “certified”
TOYOTA 5S Ecological Conservation Program, 2020-2021, “Japanese 5S Methodology”, Indus Motor Company Limited in partnership with United Nations Association of Pakistan UNAP, “Certified”
- IAHR President’s Webinar 1, 2021, “Saving lakes from Nutrient Enrichment and Global warming”, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research IAHR hosted by Spain water and IWHR, China, “Certified”
- Young Professional Network, 2020, “From the Myths of Hercules to the reality of Climate change”, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research IAHR and UNESCO Category II CIMWRM, “Certified”
- IAHR global water security working group 3rd webinar, March 2021 “The fundamental issues of global water security: liking water security to nature”, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research IAHR hosted by Spain water and IWHR, China, “Certified”
- Climate Adaptation Summit, CAS2021, Global Centre on Adaptation, Netherlands.
- “Webinar on Engineering in Poverty Alleviation”,2021, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research IAHR
- The 3rd International forum on water security & sustainability, April 21-24, 2021, Nanjing, China