Medicine, Health & Food
Volume: 115 , Issue: 1 , December Published Date: 29 December 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 467 , Download: 429 , Pages: 542 - 547
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011511220224390
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 467 , Download: 429 , Pages: 542 - 547
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011511220224390
# | Author Name |
1 | Manillaturrochmah |
2 | Budi Utomo |
3 | Widati Fatmaningrum |
4 | Retno Asih Setyoningrum |
Background: Tuberculosis or TB is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, the tenth leading cause of mortality worldwide affecting both children and adults. Indonesia is the third country with the highest case of TB after China and India. Risk factors of this disease such as host immunity, nutritional status, hygiene, humidity, and population density. Objective: To analyze the correlation between nutritional status and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis at RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Methods: This study is a retrospective analytical observational design with a case-control design. Sampling was taken using purposive sampling and then analyzed using the lambda coefficient contingency test. Results: A total sample of 130 patients was taken then analyzed. The result showed there is a correlation between a child with underweight (p=0,019) and standard (p=0,015) nutritional status and TB incidence. However, there is no correlation between overweight (p=0,259) and obesity (p=0,153) nutritional status and TB incidence. Conclusion: TB is correlated with underweight and standard nutritional status among children under five years.