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Characteristics of COVID-19 Chest Radiography in the Brixia, RALE and Modified Dr. Soetomo Hospital Scoring System

Volume: 114  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 14 December 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 511  ,  Download: 370 , Pages: 225 - 231    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011411220224191


# Author Name
1 Agnes Triana Basja
2 Tri Wulanhandarini
3 Anita Widyoningroem
4 Rosy Setiawati
5 Fierly Hayati


COVID-19-confirmed patients require further evaluation using chest radiographs for clinical estimation and management. The availability of assessment tools for chest radiographs can help determine the distribution of locations and radiological features. The authors seek to investigate the pattern of the chest radiography between Brixia, RALE, and Modified Dr. Soetomo Hospital scoring system. This study was a retrospective with descriptive analysis on confirmed cases at Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. A total of 604 samples were patients who were hospitalized at Dr. Soetomo Hospital and already has the results of the initial chest X-ray at Dr. Soetomo Hospital. Based on the distribution of the location of the lesions, according to three observers, the most common was a combination of the middle-lower zone with peripheral and bilateral dominance. Radiological feature shows a combination of interstitial and alveolar infiltrates (dominantly alveolar). In this study, the average degree of severity according to the Brixia Score, RALE Score and Modified Dr. Soetomo Hospital scoring system showed moderate to severe pneumonia. 


  • Radiological Feature ; Confirmed Cases ; Brixia ; RALE ; Modified Dr. Soetomo Hospital