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Teachers’ Behavioral Response and Extent of Delivery and Retrieval of Printed Learning Materials

Volume: 107  ,  Issue: 1 , August    Published Date: 18 August 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 594  ,  Download: 362 , Pages: 45 - 54    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001071820223778


# Author Name
1 Amy N. Capate


This study aims to determine the teachers? behavioral response and extent of delivery and retrieval of printed learning materials. Specifically aims to answer the following questions; what is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents, what is the behavioral response of teachers in the delivery and retrieval of printed learning materials, what is the extent of delivery and retrieval of printed learning materials, is there a significant relationship between teachers' profile and behavioral response in the delivery and retrieval of printed learning materials, is there a significant relationship between teachers' profile and extent of delivery and retrieval of printed learning materials, and is there a significant relationship between teachers' behavior and extent of delivery and retrieval of learning materials. This study is limited to selected Thirty (30) teachers in Bagumbayan area using the descriptive correlational method of investigation and the use of questionnaire to gather data from the respondents of the study. Percentage, Weighted mean were used in finding solutions of the problem. The study revealed that there is a strong or high correlation or a dependable relationship between teachers? behavioral response and extent of delivery and retrieval of learning materials. This was recommended that teachers will embrace the new normal way of their work and give extra love and concern to their duties. Furthermore, strong parents? support as well as the support of the local officials are both helpful in the extent of delivery and retrieval of printed learning materials.