Computer Science & Electrical

Computer Science & Electrical

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A Symmetric Key-Based Cryptographic Transaction on Cryptocurrency Data

Volume: 98  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 14 April 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 492  ,  Download: 302 , Pages: 171 - 177    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100981420223011


# Author Name
1 Tridip Bhowmik
2 Sagir Mahmud Sefat
3 Aysha Akmal
4 Md. Ismail Jabiullah


Cryptocurrency data communications are very demanding issues in current high-speed online currency transactions. Here, a key-based AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption-decryption algorithm is used to impose more security levels on cryptocurrency data communications. For this, the sender first creates a key and sends it to the intended receiver through a secured and trusted channel. Then by that key one can easily encrypt the cryptocurrency data using the AES encryption algorithm and produced the ciphertext and then send it to the destination. On the receiver?s end, the decryption process of AES is performed by using the same shared secret key that retrieved the plaintext from the received ciphertext. The security of the proposed process depends on the shared secret key and the algorithm AES and it can be applied for any financial data transactions securely. This can be used in all kinds of cryptocurrency data communication with a higher level of security.


  • Cryptocurrency
  • encryption