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The Preliminary Assessment of the Stakeholders on Impact of the CALABARZON Food Solution Hubs (CFOSH)

Volume: 70  ,  Issue: 1 , February    Published Date: 24 February 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 818  ,  Download: 627 , Pages: 154 - 165    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100701220211722


# Author Name
1 Marissa L. Dimarucot, MBA


The aim of this research was to preliminary assess impact level of the CALABARZON FOOD SOLUTION HUB (CFOSH) project by the stake-holders, which located inside the Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU), Santa Cruz Campus, Laguna, Philippines. It is a shared ser-vice facility introduced by the Association of Laguna Food Processors Inc., in year 2013. CFOSH project is in early stage (3 yrs.). Descrip-tive method used in this research using survey questionnaire from 30 stakeholders. The study revealed that the status of stakeholders about social, political, economic and environmental had favorable results towards CFOSH. The findings imply that social and environmental as-pects highly effective and could be considered as the highest level among the indicators. Based on the foregoing findings and hypothe-ses postulated, the researcher concluded that the implementation level of CFOSH has significant effect on the stakeholders based on job generation, productivity and competitiveness. In the light of the conclusions the researcher recommends that make further enhancement on the investigation on the effectiveness of the projects; review the implementation process and procedure; determine the number of ma-chinery and equipment delivered and the number of clients who have access to the facility and generate recommendation on all stakehold-ers of CFOSH as well.


  • Shared Service Facility
  • Stakeholders
  • Calabarzon Food Solution Hubs