Earth, Energy & Environment

Earth, Energy & Environment

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Volume: 65  ,  Issue: 1 , November    Published Date: 11 December 2020
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 953  ,  Download: 659 , Pages: 156 - 163    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1006511120201554


# Author Name
1 Maria Eva E. Diongco, Ed. D
2 Marie Ann S.Gonzales
3 Sanlet B. Llamesc


This study aimed to develop and assess biological packets of learning in environmental protection awareness for grade 9 students. Fifty (50) Science teachers from the 4th District in the Division of Laguna assessed the content and acceptability of the module. Finding the weighted mean and standard deviation, frequency, percentage and dependent (related) samples t-test were used. The teacher assessment on the components of the module got the overall mean of 4.49 and SD of 0.56 marked the developed module as Strongly Agree and interpreted as Excellent. In terms of the acceptability, the analysis exhibited that the module was Highly Acceptable with an overall mean of 4.52 and standard deviation of 0.56. Analysis shown that the mean score of the pre-test 7.39 and SD of 1.62 was initially Fair, while the post-test got a mean value of 18.85 and SD of 2.66 that was verbally interpreted as Very Satisfactory. It was revealed in the computed t-value of 26.43 was greater that the critical value of 1.98, therefore rejecting the null hypothesis. Based on the findings, the developed biological learning packets was highly acceptable and was found to be an effective teaching tool. Finally, results of the study suggest to make use of the module which is effective in the enhancement of the students environmental protection awareness.